Us scared of a supermodel? Impossible!

We're actually terrified.

Seems that the creative team behind a Swedish TV spot for a line of personal care products called Apoliva made a rather terrifying piece.

They used a Swedish supermodel, who shouldn't be all that all that scary. The Swedish beach volleyball team isn't scary. The chef on the Muppets isn't scary. But apparently in Sweden, supermodels are.

How scared are they? A Facebook group “I am scared of the girl in the Apoliva commercial” (“Jag är rädd för tjejen i Apolivareklamen”) has over 1,000 members, and there are quite a few other groups and sites that praise the spot or advise viewers to hide under the bed.

Personally, I've seen scarier things on the subway late on a Friday night.

1 comment:

Whatsizface said...

She could be related to this guy: